What is Acupuncture?
Traditional Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing used for over 3,000 years to balance and harmonize life energy. It is based on observation of changes in the body as well as in nature. It is used to treat illness and also anticipate and prevent disease. Traditional Acupuncture focuses on determining the underlying cause of dis-ease, taking into account a person’s body, mind, and spirit.
How Does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is based on natural laws that describe the movement of life energy, called Qi, in the body and in nature. This life energy flows along precise pathways called meridians, throughout the body. When the Qi is balanced properly we are healthy and when it is imbalanced we experience dis-ease. Through the use of very thin sterile single use stainless steel disposable needles inserted into the acupuncture points and/or heat at those points with moxibustion, a person’s energy is brought into balance. This in turn then assists the body’s ability to heal itself.
What to expect In treatment
Your initial appointment will include a medical history, structural assessment, physical examination, and an acupuncture treatment. The goal is understand your main symptoms within the context of your unique history, present life circumstances, and environmental and seasonal factors. From this understanding we develop an individualized plan of treatment. This initial visit usually lasts about 1 1/4 hours. Follow up treatments last about 1 hour.
Very thin (.20 mm.) sterile single use stainless steel disposable needles are placed in points along meridians, pathways of Qi energy., in a person’s body. Some needles are retained for the course of the treatment and others are simply inserted in the point to manipulate the energy and then removed. Heat may also be used when it is appropriate. The needle technique is very gentle and the treatment is deeply relaxing. Clients often feel an increase in their energy level and a greater sense of well being.
Very thin (.20 mm.) sterile single use stainless steel disposable needles are placed in points along meridians, pathways of Qi energy., in a person’s body. Some needles are retained for the course of the treatment and others are simply inserted in the point to manipulate the energy and then removed. Heat may also be used when it is appropriate. The needle technique is very gentle and the treatment is deeply relaxing. Clients often feel an increase in their energy level and a greater sense of well being.
Services Offered
Patricia Leydon Lic.Ac, M.Ac.,Dipl Ac. 44 Grove Hill Park Newton, Massachusetts 02460 |