what can acupuncture Treat?
The World Health Organization, (WHO) and the National Institute of Health, (NIH) have determined that acupuncture is effective for more than 200 acute and chronic conditions and is helpful in alleviating pain. Some of the conditions that acupuncture can treat are;
*Chronic conditions such as arthritis, muscular sclerosis, lupus, and migraines
*Musculoskeletal pain of all types: back, neck, shoulder, and knee pain, sports injuries, fibromyalgia, repetitive use disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, tension headaches, TMJ, and rheumatoid arthritis. (Acupuncture accelerates the healing process, decreases swelling and inflammation, relieves pain, and helps restore normal range of motion.)
*Digestive problems such as acid reflux, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and abdominal bloating
*Gynecological issues such as irregular, painful, or heavy menstruation (PMS), endometriosis, and fibroids
*Reproductive health issues including both female and male infertility, morning sickness, and complications with pregnancy
*Neurological issues such as dizziness, numbness, neuropathy, Bell’s Palsy, and post stroke recovery
*Respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, seasonal allergies, colds, and flu
*Side effects of chemotherapy and radiation
*Skin conditions such as eczema and acne
*Emotional and stress related conditions: depression, anxiety, insomnia, posttraumatic stress disorder, (PTSD)
*Addictions to nicotine, drugs, alcohol, and food
*Chronic conditions such as arthritis, muscular sclerosis, lupus, and migraines
*Musculoskeletal pain of all types: back, neck, shoulder, and knee pain, sports injuries, fibromyalgia, repetitive use disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, tension headaches, TMJ, and rheumatoid arthritis. (Acupuncture accelerates the healing process, decreases swelling and inflammation, relieves pain, and helps restore normal range of motion.)
*Digestive problems such as acid reflux, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and abdominal bloating
*Gynecological issues such as irregular, painful, or heavy menstruation (PMS), endometriosis, and fibroids
*Reproductive health issues including both female and male infertility, morning sickness, and complications with pregnancy
*Neurological issues such as dizziness, numbness, neuropathy, Bell’s Palsy, and post stroke recovery
*Respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, seasonal allergies, colds, and flu
*Side effects of chemotherapy and radiation
*Skin conditions such as eczema and acne
*Emotional and stress related conditions: depression, anxiety, insomnia, posttraumatic stress disorder, (PTSD)
*Addictions to nicotine, drugs, alcohol, and food