covid-19 safety and procedures
The following safety measures will be in place at my office during the COVID-19 pandemic:
- Illness Policy: Stay home if you are sick
- The day before your appointment you will receive an email asking you about your health
and COVID-19 exposure. You must respond to this email before you arrive for your
treatment. - When you arrive at the office, I will take your temperature and will again ask you questions about potential symptoms and exposure to COVID-19. If you have had symptoms in the past 24 hours or exposure to COVID-19, it is not appropriate for you to receive acupuncture and I will need to ask you to go home.
- Symptoms of illness include fever (of 100.4 degrees or higher), cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, diarrhea, headache, body aches and loss of taste or smell.
- If you know that you have been exposed to COVID-19 and you have not self-isolated for 14 days, please do not come in. If you need to cancel your appointment, I will waive any cancellation fee.
- I will self-monitor for the same symptoms and screen by taking my temperature daily.
- Social Distancing:
- In order to keep proper social distancing, I ask that all patients arrive on time and wait in your cars until I call or text you to come in.
- Sanitation: cleaning and PPE practices:
- All patients will have to wear a mask when entering and keep it on for the entirety of the appointment. Either cloth or disposable masks are acceptable. I will also be wearing a mask.
- Patients will be asked to or use hand sanitizer which will be by the front door and/or wash hands immediately after entering and then proceed directly into the office. Hand sanitizer will be also be in the treatment room.
- I will be scheduling time between appointments in order to thoroughly clean and disinfect the treatment room with CDC/EPA approved cleaning solutions. Hard surfaces will be sanitized between patients, as well as the treatment table and pillow.